Katsura tree

Another understated gem in the garden is Cercidiphyllum japonicum, also known as Katsura. This medium sized tree originating from Japan and China has heart shaped leaves along the length of its branches which change colour throughout the seasons.


Gardens open!

The gardens are now open for the season to the public, and we look forward to welcoming you here. There are signs of spring in all corners of the garden, often well tucked away from the cold easterly winds we have had lately.

Gardener’s World

Ardchattan Gardens accepts the 2 for 1 Gardener’s World offer until the end of June. This is the 3rd year we have participated in this scheme and have had good feed back from visitors.

Spring 2013


The early spring flowers have been spectacular this year and the garden is getting ready for opening on the 25th March, in time for Easter. Please note that part of the front border is under restoration and will be fully replanted by next year.  Cacti lovers please note George’s collection has moved, following his retirement.

Autumn colours

The gardens are looking splendid as the leaves turn, and late flowers are still blooming in the herbaceous borders. We are open daily from 9:30 to 5:30 up until the end of October.