Ardchattan Garden Fete Sunday 9th June

Plans have started for this years garden fete. The usual baking, lunches, afternoon teas, bottle stall and the ever popular welly wanging competition. With lots of new games and activities this year!

Sunday 9th June at Ardchattan Priory Gardens 12 -4pm £5 entry for adults. Remember to save those pennies for the games as its cash only.

All money raised goes to support the local Scout and Guide groups .

Garden Closed

Its that time of year again where we shut the gardens to give the grounds a rest before the excitement of spring next year. After such a rough October with the wind and rain, i think the garden will be grateful for a rest. We look forward to seeing everyone again next year and to see how the new front edging plants flourish near the car park.


The sun is still with us, so fingers crossed for a good day on Sunday. Lots of preparation are under way for this weekends fete. There are soup and sandwich lunches 12- 1.45 afternoon teas 2.15 – 4 or when there all gone ! In the front garden we also have lots of games for kids and adults like welly wanging, football target game, obstacle course and a vortex game, hook a duck, lucky dip and much more. Along with the usual bottle stall, cake stall, steam train and die cast models and music from the boogies. There might even be a few new treats this year! It’s a cash only event so lots of change is needed!

Fete weekend coming up on Sunday 11th June 12-4pm

So excited, plans are underway for this years games and activities, bottles are being collected and cakes and soup recipes looked out.
This years fete is on Sunday 11th June 12-4pm. £5 entry per adult. Soup and sandwich lunches are available 12 -1.45 and Afternoon teas 2.15- 4pm. Lots of activities for all ages and at small cost so bring plenty of change. Raising money for the local Scout and Guide groups.